Plainsight Vision Intelligence Filters

If you can use an Instagram Filter and a Spreadsheet you can use Plainsight. And still make your data scientists, engineers, IT, and finance team happy.

Vision Intelligence Filters extract visual data into business insights. We use a powerful combination of visual AI and data science to add business context to any camera feed. Whether it’s in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Energy, or Retail, you can’t run a business if you can’t see what’s happening.

Parking Lot Turnover Optimization

Heat maps show you how long vehicles have been in your parking lot. Get instant answers about how long cars have been waiting to park.

The Parking Lot Turnover Optimization Filter uses visual data from standard optical cameras to identify cars in a parking lot. It tracks the cars over time to measure how long vehicles have been in your parking lot to determine turnover, time spent waiting to park, and parking abandonment due to full lots.

Learn more about this Filter