Plainsight Vision Intelligence Filters

If you can use an Instagram Filter and a Spreadsheet you can use Plainsight. And still make your data scientists, engineers, IT, and finance team happy.

Vision Intelligence Filters extract visual data into business insights. We use a powerful combination of visual AI and data science to add business context to any camera feed. Whether it’s in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Energy, or Retail, you can’t run a business if you can’t see what’s happening.


Eliminate personally identifiable information from the video stream in order to comply with privacy laws like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Camera Type

The PrivacyShield Filter uses inputs from standard cameras to identify faces, license plates, or logos. This prevents storage and handling of personally identifiable information (PII), corporate logos, and proprietary processes using blur mode or block an entire video feed. This helps businesses in all industries to comply with privacy laws like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

PrivacyShield should be used in conjunction with any filter to enable privacy and security compliance.

Learn more about this Filter