Plainsight Vision Intelligence Filters

If you can use an Instagram Filter and a Spreadsheet you can use Plainsight. And still make your data scientists, engineers, IT, and finance team happy.

Vision Intelligence Filters extract visual data into business insights. We use a powerful combination of visual AI and data science to add business context to any camera feed. Whether it’s in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Energy, or Retail, you can’t run a business if you can’t see what’s happening.


Detect repeat customers by face and license plate, even if you don’t have a customer identification system in place. Each new person or vehicle gets an internal id assigned and repeats are detected and logged with same id. To be used in conjunction with PrivacyShield


Automotive, Consulting, Grocery Retail, Financial Services, Government, Grocery Retail, Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail, Restaurants, Security Services, Transportation

The IdentityMine Filter uses standard camera inputs to identify and track people by facial recognition and license plate detection It outputs customer ID information to transaction, marketing, and customer experience systems for retail, restaurant, banking, or any other consumer-facing business. This helps businesses to implement loyalty and VIP programs.

In all cases, this Filter should be used in conjunction with IdentityShield in order to uphold compliance with privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Learn more about this Filter