Plainsight Vision Intelligence Filters

If you can use an Instagram Filter and a Spreadsheet you can use Plainsight. And still make your data scientists, engineers, IT, and finance team happy.

Vision Intelligence Filters extract visual data into business insights. We use a powerful combination of visual AI and data science to add business context to any camera feed. Whether it’s in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Energy, or Retail, you can’t run a business if you can’t see what’s happening.

Queue Performance Analysis

Calculate how long customers spend waiting in line. Analyzes the performance of line throughput in a store. Tracks average time a person spends in line and how long the checkout process takes. Detect when customer leaves line before purchase.

The Queue Performance Analysis Filter uses standard camera inputs to identify customers in line within a designated area. It calculates how long customers spend waiting in line, analyzes the performance of line throughput in a store, tracks the average time a person spends in line, how long the checkout process takes, and detects when a customer leaves line before purchase. The information is output to customer experience and operations systems. This helps retail, banking, and restaurant businesses to improve customer experience and prevent lost sales.

Learn more about this Filter