Enterprise Vision AI, Unlocked

The Proven Leader in Vision AI

No other computer vision provider and platform delivers a wider breadth of combined managed services and toolsets with a lower barrier to adoption and faster value generation. Plainsight empowers enterprises across a range of industries to see more and solve more with computer vision:

Agriculture: Livestock counting & health monitoring, harvesting & processing QA, crop management & risk recognition, and more.

Energy: VOC leak detection, remote tank-fill level monitoring, regulatory compliance & reporting, and more.

Manufacturing: Product QA/QC monitoring, Batch/lot tracking, defect detection, process & productivity enforcement, and more.

Restaurants: Drive-thru monitoring, order assembly & quality assurance, kitchen operations & process monitoring, cleanliness & hygiene enforcement, and more.

Retail: Shopper flow & behavior monitoring, wait time optimization, POG & shelf inventory management, curbside pickup performance, and more.

Whatever your industry, whatever your goals, Plainsight slashes time to production and makes computer vision success scalable, repeatable, and standardized.