Software Support Services

Software Updates.  Plainsight provides two types of Software Updates; (a) patches are maintenance updates that include defect fixes and, occasionally, minor new features, and (b) major versions are evolutionary updates that introduce significant improvements and changes. Major versions may have changes that affect Customer’s existing applications and/or integrations.  

Backwards compatibility for custom integrations not largely supported by Plainsight are the responsibility of the Customers for updating such applications and integrations. You may also request a Software Upgrade service from Plainsight through a Professional Services engagement or from one of our development partners (fees not included with your license)

Support Hours and Contact Information.  Plainsight shall provide support for the Software from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. pacific standard time Monday through Friday.

Plainsight Support Services:     Email: [email protected]

Types of Support.

Incident. Use an Incident designation if the Software is not functioning in accordance with the Documentation (such as an unexpected behavior or an interruption in the operation of the Software).  Plainsight will respond to reported Incidents as provided below.

Request. Use a Request designation to activate or reconfigure Software to better suit your needs. While most of the Software can be activated and configured in a self-service manner, you may require direct assistance from Plainsight support for configuration (typically in a coordinated effort with Customer teams).  Such request may result in Statement of Work (SOWs) to be defined, depending on scope and complexity.  These SOWs the results from requests can be fulfilled by Plainsight Professional Services.

Question. Use a Question designation if you have questions on the expected behavior of the Plainsight platform or on a specific service you wish to activate/enable for your license. Questions are handled by Plainsight with the response times of an Incident with Low severity.

Incident Classification & Response Time. 

Plainsight works with severity levels based on the impact of a given issue to the business of the Customer.  Incident severity levels can be determined initially by Customer upon emailing Plainsight and should reasonably and accurately reflect the business impact of the issue, according to the criteria set forth in the table below. Plainsight reserves the right to reasonably question Customer on the chosen severity level and, in its discretion, to downgrade the severity level as the Incident is better understood.  As used in the table below, “Response” means that Plainsight has analyzed the Incident reported by Customer, has performed initial analysis of the Incident and contacts Customer with an indication of a remediation action for the Incident or a request for additional information to better understand the issue.

Severity Level Criteria Plainsight Response



Incidents that causes the Software to be inoperable. Response within 4 business hours.  Continuous effort until a fix or workaround is implemented, including verbal and email communication with Client. 



Incidents that have a severe impact on Customer’s ability to use the Software as intended.   Response to Customer within 8 business hours.  Continuous effort until a fix or workaround is implemented, including email communication with Client.   


Incidents that have some impact on Customer’s ability to use the Software and result in inconvenience to the Customer Response to Customer within 2 business days.  Provide a workaround, if possible, within ten business days.  Provide permanent fix in next upgrade or maintenance release.



Incidents that do not impair use of the Software. Response to Customer within 5 business days.  Provide a workaround, if possible, within ten business days.  Provide permanent fix in next upgrade or maintenance release.