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Exclusive Google Next eBook

Unlock Successful Vision AI for the Enterprise

This eBook from Plainsight explores the enterprise computer vision landscape, offers insights for overcoming common obstacles, and examines the ways a solution-centric approach can make repeatable success a reality.

Across industries, organizations are committed to making investments in computer vision and turning unstructured data into a source of transformative insights.

Throughout this eBook, we look at the reasons many enterprises fail to deliver on their objectives and discuss how Plainsight on Google Cloud makes success a reality.

Contents include:

  • A closer look at the current state of computer vision AI in the enterprise
  • All-too-common CV mistakes and how strong partnerships can help enterprises avoid and overcome them
  • Details on Plainsight and Google Cloud’s success in accelerating enterprise computer vision
  • Ground-breaking Generative Vision AI solutions with Plainsight and Google Cloud

Submit the form above to download it today.

Just 13% of enterprise computer vision projects succeed. Check out our infographic to learn more about why so many fall into the computer vision chasm.