Continuously monitor and alert to safety violations that can cause serious injury and facility incidents.
Plainsight is purpose-built for flexibility and scalability to serve both carriers and insureds.
AI is transforming the way workplace loss prevention is managed, and Plainsight offers the flexibility to both expand product portfolios and integrate AI-enabled video analytics into loss control workflows.
- Health & Safety: Detect PPE, automate temperature scanning, and enforce protocols.
- Violent Behavior: Recognize risk potential for violence and identify and trigger incident alerts
- Non-Impact Repetitive Motion: Reduce musculoskeletal injuries and their impact by monitoring repetitive physical tasks and detecting improper techniques or unauthorized activities.
Continuous Visual Monitoring
Across all industries, there’s an urgent need to accurately monitor and protect worker safety.
Detect hazards that often go unnoticed and inform proactive inspections and interventions. Recognize, assess, and log incidents, and trigger actions in real time. Maintain visual inspection for employee, vendor, visitor safety guidelines 24×7 in key high risk areas.
Reduce TCIR and DART scores that can lead to increase in OSHA inspections & audits.
Prevent insurance premium increases attributed to high TCIR & DART scores.
Plainsight is purpose-built for flexibility and scalability to serve both carriers and insureds.
Our end-to-end vision AI platform automates monitoring, analysis, and alerting for workplace loss control management.
Oil and gas producers are seeking immediately available technologies to meet increasing state and federal regulatory compliance requirements. Colorado, for example, has begun to enforce a recent law known as SB-181 that requires continuous methane gas leak detection. Other states, such as Utah, California, and North Dakota are enacting strict air-quality protections.
Plainsight’s AI-powered VOC leak scanning continuously monitors and detects gas emissions (notably methane) and triggers alerts for leak location and severity. Plainsight-built vision AI models detect, quantify, and map leaks, and send notifications to customers within two minutes.
Workplace Injury Stats
Vision AI is transforming the way workplace loss prevention is managed, and Plainsight offers the flexibility to both expand product portfolios and integrate vision AI-enabled video analytics into loss control workflows.
Quickly and easily operationalize vision AI solutions, expand product portfolios, and integrate AI-enabled video analytics into loss control workflows.
Regular cleaning and disinfecting procedures are now undertaken by all types of businesses. Some organizations require that certain processes must be performed by qualified technicians, and for defined periods of time. Tracking and logging evidence of proper protocol completion is time-consuming and difficult.
Automate the monitoring, compliance and reporting of processes necessary for additional measures to ensure the safety of facilities and the health of workers, while complying with internal and regulatory requirements. Plainsight models help organizations fully automate the monitoring, tracking, and compliance with CDC, state regulatory, and facility-based cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Automated vision AI detections track activities such as steps in processes, timeframes spent, and can recognize worker types by hardhat, vest, or other visible identifiers to ensure facilities have sufficient numbers and types of workers on-site to carry out protocols.
Schedule Time to Speak with Us
We help you implement vision AI to solve today’s challenges and create innovative solutions for a successful future.
We look forward to speaking with you in detail about your projects and needs. Schedule time to speak with us to discuss the ways we can help.